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Estorya sa (the story of) MID-AIR: From an artist of diversity towards a teacher for peace

Posted on:2006-03-20Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Bautista, DarrylFull Text:PDF
MID-AIR inquires into the complexities of cultural self-identity negotiation. I puzzle through my Canadian self(ves) inquiring into its(their) resonance within my own life story as a Canadian citizen of Filipino heritage living on and within a landscape of espoused diversity.; I further inquire into the cultural identity negotiation of others including teachers and students, as we construct and contemplate our identities of self(ves) on and within classroom landscapes. I draw upon my personal and professional experiences and relate them to my developing understanding of the centrally important terms cultural self-identity, teacher identity and teacher researcher. The stories written in and around this negotiation of layered self(ves) shape and reshape the story of my teaching.; This arts-based narrative exploration of my Canadian Teacher Researcher self(ves) both reveals and negotiates numerous themes of experience. I choose this arts-based form of research writing and representation for its constant provision of opportunities for me to think and rethink my inquiry.; I explore my self(ves) as defined from positions of exogenous (external factors) and endogenous (personal experience) identity construction. Exogenous construction defines identity according to existing theoretical, social, historical, and cultural interpretations. Endogenous construction consists of the individual's exploration of these external factors and the creating of reclaimed identity based on lived experiences. The dialectic between the two constructions of identity forms my emerging theory, the state of being in MID-AIR. I construct a thesis embodying my self(ves) represented by many different arts-based research forms including collages, split-texts, photographs, letter writing, short stories, and dramatic monologues/lyrics. I also artfully combine some 18 poems and 52 visuals to paint my MID-AIR sky. In addition, a central image, my wing motif, propels my writing through and beyond the flight paths within MID-AIR. Through my thesis artistry, I found that investigating my self(ves) led me to a better understanding and articulation of what it means to be an artist negotiating diversity while learning ways of teaching for tolerance, acceptance and peace.; A thesis waits, dear reader, full of indirection and itinerant journeying across land(sea)scapes of knowing the self(ves).; Never quite arriving. Marking our journey.; I am like you.
Keywords/Search Tags:MID-AIR, Ves, Identity, Teacher, Story, Diversity, Cultural
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