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Art for Healing; Art for Consciousness Change

Posted on:2012-10-29Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Neill, Robert (Robyn)Full Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008991796Subject:Fine Arts
From a very early age I have been drawn to create art. I have followed this passion closely throughout my entire life. After acquiring a master's degree in art education, and subsequently, teaching high school art for 3 years I was compelled to enter the MFA program at Rochester Institute of Technology with a concentration in painting and new forms. Through this process, I discovered a great calling.;After the first year of study in the MFA program I traveled to Tibet. This journey was instrumental in the formation of my thesis: Art for Healing, Art for Consciousness Change, as was my marriage to my partner Daixin whom I met in China 3 years ago. With her as the narrative model found in each painting, I created an installation of 8, 4x8 ft paintings based upon a myriad of concepts taken from Tibetan Buddhism, my personal insights and experiences, and the book Prometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson, which outlines his 8-Circuits of Human Consciousness .;The installation I created, Daixin's 8-Circuit Path to Light , followed a symbolic model of the human Chakra system as a guide for each of the 8-Circuits to explore imagery evoked in my mind through the correlations I drew as I progressed through my understanding of the human body as an energy system. During this process I was able to bring myself from a very graphic and unsure use of oil paint, to a masterful level, capable of captivating audiences, and stimulating the minds of those who viewed my work. Such is the effect of the work of visionary artist Alex Grey, who is the single greatest western influence on my artistic path.;The experience of completing this work brought me balance in terms of my perceptions of religion, spirituality, and my artistic pursuits. I gained a deep desire to create art that is supportive of the Tibetan culture and their prophetic understanding of consciousness. This calling is supported by my everlasting desire to create works inspired by all my travels throughout the world for the purpose of bringing healing elements to the areas in which my work is displayed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Healing, Consciousness, Work
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