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Recruiters and realistic previews: Perceptions of importance and practice

Posted on:2005-09-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Baker, Colin RichardFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008983533Subject:Speech communication
While recent research suggests that realistic previews given to job candidates reduce voluntary turnover and increases their performance and job satisfaction, the extent that recruiters share realistic previews and the nature (e.g., job or organization) of those previews remains unclear. This investigation explores linkages between extant research knowledge and recruiters' reported behaviors. Approximately 100 collegiate recruiters completed an online or mail survey measuring their reports of patterns of sharing realistic information, the source of their job information, the timing of realistic previews, their interview training, and organization's recruiting priorities. Findings suggest that recruiters reported sharing of realistic information based upon their beliefs, sharing more realistic information than recruitment literature suggests, and presenting realistic information generally early in the interview sequence (e.g., information session, on-campus interview), in face-to-face interactions. Limitations of the research and future directions are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Realistic previews, Information, Recruiters, Job
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