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Online recruiting: Implementing internet-based realistic job previews

Posted on:2003-12-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Travagline, Angela MFull Text:PDF
Realistic job previews have been recognized as a staffing technique that facilitates matching and improves organizational outcomes. The current study administered realistic previews during recruiting to 112 undergraduate job seekers at Temple University. Six web-based job previews were designed to reflect various characteristics of sales positions. Two previews contained only positive information, while the remaining four contained realistic information related to the job or organizational culture. The job-related negative information reflected either inconvenient schedules or dealing with difficult customers. The negative cultural information was related to invasive company policies or the instability of Internet-based companies. The delivery method was also varied; three of the previews presented the realistic information in an auditory clip, while the remaining three were entirely written. The relationships between the different types of realistic information and various outcomes were investigated. Results indicated that realistic information decreased respondents' expectations and organizational attraction and increased perceptions of trustworthiness. Realism had no apparent effect on job seekers' decisions to apply for a job or accept a job offer. Self-efficacy and applicant quality did not consistently moderate these relationships as predicted. Realistic previews, in comparison to traditional previews, also facilitated the matching process between individuals and organizations. However, the audio delivery method did not enhance trustworthiness or source credibility as expected. Implications for human resources professionals are discussed, as well as directions for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job, Realistic, Previews
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