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A transcendental approach to John Coltrane: applying concepts of spirituality to Giant Steps into the Cosmos

Posted on:2013-04-28Degree:M.MType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Mohajer, RezaFull Text:PDF
The rich diversity of John Coltrane's musical influences and his spirituality in his compositions and improvisations are of great importance to understanding his music. To illustrate Coltrane's concepts of spirituality and transcendentalism, an original composition, Giant Steps into the Cosmos, was written to reconstruct the meditative and spiritual energy found in the album A Love Supreme and heard in Giant Steps, the legendary John Coltrane composition recorded in 1959.;Giant Steps into the Cosmos experiments with ideas of creation and eternity; furthermore, it makes an effort to project the original Coltrane composition Giant Steps into a new, more contemporary dimension of the transcendental realm. Its intention is to combine complexity and spirituality and thus lay down a basis for transcendentalism to be comprehended.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spirituality, Giant steps into, John, Coltrane
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