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Buster's Journey: Stories From a Life. A memoir of sorts

Posted on:2006-09-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:O'Brien, NeilFull Text:PDF
This work is a collection of short stories presented as the final project for the Empire State College Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree. The stories are creative memoirs based on the life of the author, a culmination of the degree program's studies that are focused on creative writing and adult education. These creative memoirs follow the writer from his early teens through adulthood to life in his early fifties. This small collection of short stories is first and foremost meant to be just that, stories of life that will connect with and be identifiable to the reader. Beyond that, the writing is intended to demonstrate that learning and knowledge come as a result of living life. The stories are historically and socially situated. The elements and factors that determine what a person learns, who and what a person becomes are all inextricably sown into the fabric of the story. Heredity, socialization, psychological factors, societal and governmental circumstances all combine to set the stage. The push and shove, the give and take of an individual against and within these circumstances make the story, which is simply a small slice of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stories, Life
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