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Translating with computer-assisted technology: A study of translator experience

Posted on:2006-08-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Lauffer, Sabine CFull Text:PDF
Translators have been greatly impacted by the technological innovations that have revolutionized the translation industry over the past 50 years. Despite the many benefits of technology, it has not always been easy for translators. This thesis begins to address this issue by examining the evolution from technology-centred applications to the beginning of human-centred translation solutions. This transformation is evident in the way translation tools have been categorized. Viewing technology as an add-on that is measured in terms of features, rather than an important yet concealed part of the translation process, has implications for attitudes towards and adoption rates of technology. In addition to a theoretical framework, the real life experiences of 24 professional translators are explored to determine what factors lead people to adopt or reject translation technology; whether age or employment type make a difference; how the translation process has been altered; and how the changes are viewed by translators. Understanding factors which impact technology adoption and work satisfaction will help better implement new applications into translation environments and minimize the resistance to change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology, Translation
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