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Defining Characteristics of Churches That Thrive: A Case Study of Italian Christian Assembly Churc

Posted on:2014-11-28Degree:D.MinType:Thesis
University:Biola UniversityCandidate:Stein, David CharlesFull Text:PDF
Churches from all movements eventually confront the question of what makes their churches thrive. This involves considering the contrast of why some churches do not thrive. The pastor, the church growth consultant, the denominational headquarters and overseers, as well as the whole of the congregation all can ask that question and have a role to play in the outcome that determines the answer to that question. Understanding what makes churches thrive is key to fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus gave believers to do.;It can be seen from history that God has used different movements at different times to accomplish his purposes. What has become high church Lutheran differs to some degree in style from a Baptist Bible meeting, for example. Churches of the Jesus People Movement of the 1960s and 1970s differ in characteristic from churches founded in the Wesleyan tradition. Each movement has its characteristics, and to some degree, each movement seems to be custom made for the day and the time in which it lived. This thesis- project brings together the constant and the dynamic by taking a look at a case study of the Italian Christian Assembly church. It was selected because during its history, it has experienced significant challenges that many other churches have faced. For a long time in its history, for example, it remained a church of approximately one hundred and fifty people, but then grew into the mega-church category, first with a leap to five hundred, then with a leap to twelve hundred. It then grew incrementally to more than two thousand. This church had a distinctive ethnic heritage, as well. It was also selected because its growth trend is upward, the direction most would like to see their churches go.
Keywords/Search Tags:Churches, Thrive
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