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Understanding the rhetoric used in the discussion of gm seeds and biotechnology

Posted on:2014-03-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Windsor (Canada)Candidate:Fraser, MeghanFull Text:PDF
Using qualitative methods this research uses Aristotelian theory as a framework to explore the rhetorical strategies used in the discussion and portrayal of biotechnology within Canada's seed industry. Using Aristotle's modes of persuasion (ethos, logos, and pathos) and his three types of rhetoric (deliberative, forensic, and epideictic) this research analyzed an example of each type of rhetoric. As an example of deliberative rhetoric this research analyzed a House of Commons debate on agricultural policy and biotechnology. The lawsuit between Monsanto and Percy Schmeiser was analyzed as an example of forensic rhetoric. Lastly, as an example of epidictic rhetoric, Monsanto's Canadian website was analyzed. This research also highlights the approaches which need to be taken by anti-GMO groups in order for their messages to be received by the general public.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rhetoric
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