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'Sinfonia en rojo': El prisma de Elisabeth Mulder

Posted on:2014-08-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Florida Atlantic UniversityCandidate:Del Olmo Lopez, ItxasoFull Text:PDF
This thesis aims to rescue the name of Elisabeth Mulder, a Spanish female poet who started to publish her first poetry books around the rise of the Generation of 1927 in Spain. The importance of this work hinges on the recognition of Mulder as a female poet whose work has been marginalized from the literary canon, like that of many other women of her era. This thesis focuses on Mulder's third poetry collection, Sinfonia en rojo, which was published in 1929 and stands out for its symbolic richness and its romantic and modernist features. Part of this research deals with the symbolism of the color red and the meanings that red acquires within the context of the poems. The main leitmotivs of Sinfonia en rojo are the images of fire and blood, which are used to make reference to both the emotional and the physical world of the poetic voice. The research also focuses on the connections between Mulder's work and that of her contemporaries, and it suggests that she was in contact with the literary world of her era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sinfonia en, En rojo, Female poet
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