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Detecting essential genes in microarray dataset with unequal number of gene probe

Posted on:2013-11-19Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Florida Atlantic UniversityCandidate:Zhang, WeiFull Text:PDF
Microarray technology is a powerful approach for genomic research, which allows the monitoring of expressing profiles for tens of thousands genes in parallel and is already producing huge amounts of data. This thesis is motivated by a special microarray dataset for the bacteria Yersinia Pestis. It contains more than four thousands genes and each gene has different number of observations. The main purpose of this thesis is to detect essentially functional genes. Gene level adjusted multiple t-test is proposed to handle the problem of unequal number of observations. Furthermore, a comparation study of our method with two other existing methods (Behrens-Fisher method and Hotelling t-square method) are presented. The comparison results show that our proposed methods is the best for identifying essential genes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Genes
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