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An evaluation of auditory coo-counts to estimate breeding populations of white-winged doves in a rural setting (Zenaida asiatica, Texas)

Posted on:2005-09-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas A&M University - KingsvilleCandidate:Sepulveda, MarioFull Text:PDF
I evaluated the auditory coo-count method to estimate breeding population density of white-winged doves (Zenaida asiatica). Data was collected on 15 sites in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas during May--August of 2002--2003. My objectives were to evaluate the current coo-count survey, determine if weather and calling intensity showed a relationship, assess the current conversion table, and evaluate the use of an electronic coo-counter. I documented that the peak in calling occurred between mid-May and mid-June. The peak in daily calling occurred from 0600--0800 hours. The optimal duration of the coo-count should be 2--4 minutes. I found that weather did not relate to calling intensity. Both the auditory coo-counts and the electronic coo-counter tally indicated a strong relationship with population and nest density (P < 0.001). Therefore, coo-counts and the electronic coo-counter can be used to estimate dove density.
Keywords/Search Tags:Estimate, Coo-count, Auditory, Density
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