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Holding on to normal: The impact of menopause on work life in the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence

Posted on:2005-04-22Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Snowball, Nancy BarbaraFull Text:PDF
Qualitative interviews and inductive content analysis were used to explore the perceived impact of menopause on the work life of female members of the Canadian Forces and civilian employees of the Department of National Defence. Participants were seven military members and four civilian employees, self identified as perimenopausal, menopausal or postmenopausal. An overall theme of holding on to normal was found, with four sub-themes: fearing loss of self, managing in the workplace, getting information, and coping with menopause in the midst of everything else. The experiences described by the women were consistent with transition theory. The women's experiences were influenced by their perception of the meaning of menopause, expectations and ability to acquire knowledge to manage the changes. The women described plans to cope with menopause and their related emotional and physical distress. Elements of the environment were important to the women's ability to manage their work life during menopause.
Keywords/Search Tags:Work life, Menopause
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