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The Effects of Asymmetric and Symmetric Fetal Growth Restriction on Human Capital Development

Posted on:2013-04-09Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Emory UniversityCandidate:Robinson, Joshua JamesFull Text:PDF
This study explores the causal pathway by which poor fetal health translates into reducing educational attainment and earnings as an adult. Using insights from the medical literature, I decompose low birth weight infants into two distinct subtypes: a symmetric type, which is characterized by cognitive deficits, and an asymmetric type, which exhibits little to no cognitive problems. Using data from a longitudinal survey of newborns, I establish three results: First, there is empirical evidence of brain sparing in the asymmetric subtype, but not in the symmetric subtype. Second, despite differences in cognitive impairment, both subtypes exhibit similar impairment to physical health. And finally, there is evidence that the causes and timing of onset during pregnancy are different for asymmetric and symmetric growth restriction. These results indicate that differentiating between these subtypes may offer new opportunities to identify the underlying casual relationships between health and human capital development, as well as uncovering the "black box" mechanism behind the fetal origins hypothesis. In a separate analysis using Census micro-data and utilizing a historical "natural experiment", I show that symmetric growth restriction, but not asymmetric growth restriction, is associated with decreased education and earnings as an adult. In addition to the academic implications, these results also have broad implications for the timing of policy interventions aimed at pregnant women.
Keywords/Search Tags:Growth restriction, Fetal, Asymmetric
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