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Network theory in vascular laboratories

Posted on:2006-03-14Degree:M.I.SType:Thesis
University:Wayne State UniversityCandidate:Greene, KathleenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008451741Subject:Health Sciences
The medical community is a network of physicians, nurses, technologists, patients, insurance companies, and administrators who interact with each other to provide patient care. Within this vast network is the vascular laboratory. Using actor network theory described by Stanley Milgram, Bruno Latour, and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi I plan to identify different factors called actors that play a pivotal role in the survival of a vascular laboratory in today's medical community. In the historical perspective of the vascular lab network, technology has blurred the separation of gender roles between the typical physician (masculine) and nurse (feminine). Furthermore, other, less recognized interactions, such as trust and confidence between physician and technologist play a part in the patient care network on a micro and macro level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network, Vascular
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