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Analysis of an early intervention disability program

Posted on:2014-06-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Northern British Columbia (Canada)Candidate:Zaparinuk, LauraFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390005997971Subject:Health Sciences
Analyzing the cost benefit of early intervention in disability management is a challenging area of study due to the overall lack of standardized programs and measures. The purpose of this study was to determine if early intervention is an effective way to manage disability related costs, to assess data quality and provide recommendation to the Corporation on how best to measure its return on investment into the early intervention program (EIP). The study is a mixture of quantitative based analysis combined with an exploratory research design approach. Basic descriptive and inferential statistics where utilized in conjunction with gathering other key indicators to determine if an EIP is an effective means of managing disability related costs. This research demonstrates the benefits and challenges of capturing data in order to measure the overall value of investing in EIP. The study concludes with recommendations on how to improve data collection and the importance of being able to show a statistically significant positive change as a result of the EIP to ensure future investment on the health and wellness of employees.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early intervention, Disability, EIP
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