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Galvanic skin response as a measure to detect stage of sleep

Posted on:2006-03-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Texas A&M University - KingsvilleCandidate:Guerrero Renteria, JesusFull Text:PDF
Traffic accidents caused by people falling sleep while driving should be avoided by an Awake Call system that detect sleep onset using human physiological monitoring. Galvanic Skin Response has been analyzed long time ago in many circumstances. This research evaluate non specific GSR hard data from Kobayashi (2003) and Burch (1956) and compare it with Electro-Encephalography (EEG), Electro-Oculo-Graphy (EOG) and Electromyography (EMG) at different sleep stages. These stages are described and standardized by Rechtschaffen (1968) the most recognized sleep index. The focal point in this research is to demarcate the transition between being alert (awake stage) and falling sleep, light sleep or sleep onset (stage I non-REM) and detect the reached stage using Galvanic Skin Response as the only source of human monitoring.
Keywords/Search Tags:Galvanic skin response, Sleep, Detect, Stage
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