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Acoustic Signal Processing in Subject and Object in the Loop Configurations

Posted on:2012-07-12Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Ottawa (Canada)Candidate:Zhang, LinFull Text:PDF
Acoustic signal processing is a discipline dealing with the information extracted from sound signals with applications in industry, entertainment areas etc.;First experimental study is based on the voice manipulation technique in a subject-in-the-loop configuration. A human voice was altered and fed back to the human subject in a signal manipulation process. The experimental setup validity was verified and real-time applications were achieved.;Second experiment was conducted on a drive-motor-system to detect the fixture fault conditions due to loose bolts. An object-in-the-loop fault diagnosis system was developed using the acoustic signals acquired from loose/healthy conditions. The result presents that the loose versus healthy conditions can be identified in real-time. The numerical result illustrates the pattern of natural frequencies change under both conditions.;Two experimental configurations concerning real-time acoustic signal processing are developed for: voice manipulation and machine fault diagnosis, which share the same experimental equipment and signal processing software.
Keywords/Search Tags:Signal processing, Voice manipulation, Fault diagnosis, Experimental
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