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The Cacophony of Space and the Clink Clunk Clang in Architecture The mall corridor redux

Posted on:2013-12-31Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Cipriano, NolanFull Text:PDF
The element of sound is nearly inescapable. The various ways in which sound is generated, perceived, represented, and hindered resonates not only within the realm of the auditory sense, but as well as the visual and tactile. Through investigating the representation of sound, both in the aural and visual worlds, a deeper understanding of its profound effects can be observed.;This notion will be explored through the redesign of the shopping-mall corridor within the heritage structure of the Ogilvy Building in Ottawa, Ontario. Through adaptive architecture, the possibility exists to create a subjective aural space.;In the world of architectural space it is the element of sound that is often forgotten, whereas the sonic nature of a space is not designed. This thesis endeavours to examine how, through a comprehensive understanding of the various facets of sound representations, effects, and history, it can inform specifically designed sonorously beneficial spaces that directly reflect and support their purpose.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space, Sound
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