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The High Line: New directions in public space

Posted on:2013-08-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Russell, Sharla MicheleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008970324Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
The High-Line is a public space created in 2009 in the Lower west side neighborhoods of New York City. This thesis will argue that the High Line provides a new model for public space, differing from existing models such as the 19th century natural public park, or the 1950s private amusement park. Incorporating and building on its history, the High Line model reflects the transformation of New York City from an industrial to a post-industrial economy. The site addresses issues of limited space in cities by its reuse of an abandoned industrial infrastructure, and as a model of public space it must contend with the dwindling of public funds available for the creation of parks. The High Line bridges neighborhoods where ethic and cultural diversity had been diminished. And, emblematic of the shift to a service based economy in which the culture industry figures predominantly, the High Line provides a central and novel position for art as a means of framing the city.
Keywords/Search Tags:High line, Public space, New, City
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