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Beaches and Sand Dunes in Grand Beach Provincial Park, Manitoba: Development of Management Guidelines to Ensure Long-Term Ecological Sustainability

Posted on:2013-01-18Degree:M.N.R.MType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Demski, Allyson LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008477185Subject:Natural resource management
The purpose of this study was to develop management guidelines to ensure long term ecological sustainability of the beach and sand dune area of Grand Beach Provincial Park. A qualitative approach was taken including interviews of individuals who use Grand Beach. A literature review was completed describing the history of use at Grand Beach Provincial Park, ecological processes specific to the park, and management guidelines in other jurisdictions in Canada with similar natural features. Aerial imagery provided a temporal look at intensely used areas in the park.;Recommendations include: 1) completion of a biophysical study of the park including an inventory of flora and fauna species 2) development of a monitoring plan incorporating the natural environment with the human dimension of the park 3) engagement of park visitors through signage, education and awareness, and 4) engage the scientific community to form partnerships for further research studies in the park.
Keywords/Search Tags:Park, Management guidelines, Ecological
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