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The effects of simulator motion on pilot's control behavior for helicopter yaw control tasks

Posted on:2006-11-09Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Yam, Bonnie SFull Text:PDF
An experiment was performed to investigate the effects of simulator lateral and yaw motion on pilot-vehicle performance, level of pilot compensation, and perceived motion fidelity for three different helicopter yaw control tasks. The experiment utilized the UTIAS Flight Research Simulator, which was programmed to represent an unaugmented AH64 Apache helicopter in hover. Data collected from pilots' questionnaires, control inputs and helicopter states was analyzed to determine the effects of motion on pilot control rates, task performance, level of compensation and perceived fidelity. For a yaw capture task, lateral motion significantly decreased the pilot control rates. For a yaw disturbance rejection task, lateral motion improved perceived fidelity and rotational motion produced a marginal reduction in the required level of pilot compensation. The best performance was achieved when both motions were present. For a yaw tracking task, lateral motion significantly improved perceived fidelity and rotational motion significantly reduced tracking errors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Motion, Helicopter yaw control tasks, Simulator, Effects, Lateral, Improved perceived fidelity, Pilot control rates
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