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Indeterminate place. Site-specific art in the age of global de-territorialization

Posted on:2014-01-07Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyCandidate:Mirizzi, GianfrancoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390005997937Subject:Fine Arts
The aim of this research is to investigate, through the lenses of art, themes of contemporary life such as nomadism, de-territorialization, out-of-placeness and depersonalization—that is, some of the most essential aspects that define the postmodern and the post-industrial condition. An art that aspires to engage with topics of presence, place, and movement, has to be participant-oriented and site-oriented in order to reflect and express the “real” conditions of a body in a specific space. Such components as interaction, participation, comprehensiveness, immersion, and perceptiveness are also required artistic strategies that best assure the purpose of a site-oriented art.;This work is also an inquiry into the concept of Indetermination , which is the quality that informs my work overall. Indetermination is not yet an artistic strategy but rather a structural component. It condenses and projects ideas of differentiation, multiplicity, spatiality, ambiguity, “openness,” and anarchism. This work informs the spatial-temporal qualities of an architectural environment, where the movement of a body in space takes place.;The goal of this thesis is that of experimenting and verifying moments of location inside that heterotopic entity (Michel Foucault) and de-located site (Jean Baudrillard) represented by the gallery space, with the purpose of activating a dialectical consideration of the production of space (Henri Lefebvre). In other words, through dispersed micro-narratives of rhizomatic territorialization (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari), through dialectical oppositions demarcating fragments of places and nonplaces (Miwon Kwon), I aspire to stimulate a reciprocal reflection between myself and an audience upon the spatial and temporal qualities of the sites we inhabit in our lives, in this age of mobility and nomadism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Place
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