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The formation of organic iodides from the radiolytic decomposition of paint solvents

Posted on:2006-04-26Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Attia, SarahFull Text:PDF
This research examines organic iodide formation, in the containment, due to the release of organic compounds from Ripolin paint, into the aqueous phase, following a nuclear reactor accident. Experiments were carried out in the irradiation chamber of a Co-60 Gammacell, and the organic compounds detected above the irradiated aqueous samples were analyzed using a Thermal Desorption method coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.; All the organic iodides formed were identified as iodo-alkanes. The organic compounds that were released by the Ripolin paint were found to decompose, by a series of radiolytic reactions, to produce the organic iodides. The addition of aromatics lead to the delayed formation of the organic iodides.; The results of this research indicate that the rate of release and type of organic solvents play a major role in the behaviour of organic iodides in the atmosphere. This research may lead to recommendations to control the formation of organic iodides, and will assist in developing models describing the formation of organic iodides following reactor accidents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organic, Formation
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