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A gap analysis of water quality data in a gold mining region of Nicaragua

Posted on:2013-09-23Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Victoria (Canada)Candidate:Chambers, KatherineFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390008969327Subject:Water resource management
Communities in the vicinity of the Mico River, located in Chontales, Nicaragua, suffer from periodic dry season water shortages. The Mico River is impacted by artisanal and industrial mining, cattle ranching, effluent from local dairies and tanneries, and poor waste management practices in the watershed. Available water quality data consists of short term assessment studies and monitoring data for a mine operating in the headwaters, but to date this information has not been collated and interpreted as a whole. Communities in the vicinity of the Mico River have expressed an interest in having this data reviewed to verify information they have received from government and industry with regards to impacts from the La Libertad Mine. A gap analysis of existing water quality data in the headwaters of the Mico River is presented, with interpretation of current data and identification of further data needs. Recommendations are provided for future water quality monitoring in the region.;The study area was defined as the Mico River watershed upstream of the town of Santo Tomas. A total of 14 studies were identified with information about the Mico River in this area. Individual study reliability was assessed, and study data were compiled to assess conditions in comparison to water quality guidelines and any spatial or temporal trends. Both water chemistry and bioassessment studies were assessed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water, Mico river
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