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Theoretical schemes for negative refraction and enhanced refractive index in atomic systems

Posted on:2013-04-15Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Sikes, Daniel EFull Text:PDF
In this thesis we present a scheme for negative refraction in atomic systems. Negative refraction was predicted over 4 decades ago and recently experimentally demonstrated in the field of metamaterials. We seek a new approach for negative refraction using laser driven transition resonances in atomic systems. By utilizing atomic resonances we hope to achieve negative refraction in short wavelength regimes, such as visible and ultra-violet, and eliminate absorption by quantum interference.;This scheme is based on the experimentally demonstrated "refractive index enhancement with vanishing absorption" technique, in which closely spaced absorptive and amplifying transitions are interfered. Our scheme utilizes Raman transitions and is able to drive an electric resonance while far-detuned from an electric-dipole transition. This far-off resonance feature allows our scheme to be adaptable to various atomic energy level structures, in that it does not require the simultaneous presence of an electric-dipole and a magnetic-dipole transition near the same wavelength. We show that two interfering Raman transitions coupled to a magnetic-dipole transition can achieve a negative index of refraction with low absorption through magnetoelectric cross coupling. Analytical predictions have been made for a model atomic system and their validity has been confirmed with exact numerical simulations of the density matrix. We consider possible experimental implementations of the scheme in rare-earth atomic systems, such as ultracold vapors and doped crystals. We also discuss applications of negative and enhanced refractive index for imaging. A fundamental challenge of imaging systems is the diffraction limit, which causes spatial features of an object smaller than the light wavelength to be lost in the image. Achieving negative refraction with vanishing absorption is important for near-perfect imaging systems based on Pendry's suggestion for a negative index perfect lens. A perfect lens is able to focus the light related to small spatial features through the ability of negative index materials to "amplify" evanescent waves. Alternatively, enhanced refractive index improves imaging resolution by effectively decreasing light wavelength by a factor inversely with refractive index. Additionally we consider proposals for all-optical devices based on refractive index enhancement such as a low-photon conditional phase shifter and a distributed Bragg reflector.
Keywords/Search Tags:Refractive index, Negative refraction, Atomic systems, Scheme
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