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Integration of sustainable infrastructure at a neighborhood scale

Posted on:2007-12-19Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Binder, Michael PFull Text:PDF
By concentrating power generation, water treatment and waste management facilities at large centralized sites on the edge of its cities, modern industrial society allows us to ignore our responsibility for the damage we are doing to the environment. This thesis project proposes the integration and distribution of neighborhood-scaled power and waste management functions throughout our urban centers, demonstrating the efficacy of localized infrastructure based on sustainable natural and man-made cycles, making it simultaneously beautiful and providing a desirable amenity to the residents. The heart of this thesis project is the design for an indoor garden space which also integrates solar power management, nature-inspired wastewater treatment and solid waste recycling. The program will include an environmental education center using the facility as an operational example. A site in Northwest Washington DC, bounded by New Jersey Ave., New York Ave., North Capitol and K Streets has been selected for its redevelopment opportunities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Waste management
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