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Quesnel community air shed improvement initiatives: Stakeholder perspectives

Posted on:2008-12-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Rankin, AnnaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390005469247Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
The Quesnel Air Quality Roundtable (QAQR) is implementing a consensus based air shed management plan based on the results of an air quality assessment completed by the Ministry of Environment (MOE). Members of the roundtable are concerned that poor air quality is affecting the health of the local population.; This research examined the QAQR process for its capacity to create social capital and community agency key components for meaningful, tangible change. Strong social bonds, trust, and other elements of social capital within the stakeholder group contributed to development of consensus around a detailed action plan. Despite these strengths, barriers to community wide collective action exist. Stakeholder uncertainty about the 'right' targets; divergent opinions between industry and the public on useful actions; and the potential to subordinate critical reflection of action plans in order to preserve stakeholder relationships, may impede air quality improvement. This study offers recommendations to overcome these barriers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Air, Stakeholder, Community
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