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Three approaches to analyzing third way economics in the global political economy

Posted on:2007-12-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Scarth, D. ToddFull Text:PDF
Tony Blair's New Labour governments typically have rationalized their often-dramatic shifts to the right on economic policy with reference to globalization. This interdisciplinary thesis examines Third Way economics' place in the Global Political Economy, with an emphasis on the intersection between global economic forces and domestic economic policies in the UK. To do so it employs three different theoretical perspectives: one attempting to locate Third Way economics within contemporary orthodox economic theories; one evaluating the extent to which the state's policy-making options in the context of globalization are limited by its structural dependency on capital; and the third employing the neo-Gramscian Global Political Economy approach of Robert Cox.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global political economy, Third way economics
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