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Brooksford Place Housing Cooperative member commitment and sustainability

Posted on:2008-09-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Cochrane, Carol-Ann JanetFull Text:PDF
This major project focuses on researching the leadership challenges facing Brooksford Place Housing Co-operative in Abbotsford, British Columbia, in light of the decline in applicants, changing community demographics, and lack of member participation. This research project discusses the leadership qualities needed to create a shared vision and guide the co-operative into the 21st century. This encompasses a brief history of the co-operative, its organizational structure, and external influences. This project is based on the action research approach and utilises qualitative methods. The tools used to gather data were two surveys, a nominal focus group, and an appreciative inquiry focus group. The data gathered from the research is presented then analysed and the results provide recommendations for the Board of Directors of Brooksford Place Housing Co-operative to use in their quest to make the housing co-operative a desirable place for those who embrace the co-operative living style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brooksford place housing
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