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Characteristics and benefits of an effective mentoring relationship at an aerospace company

Posted on:2011-02-26Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Pepperdine UniversityCandidate:Gonzalez, LizethFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390002962385Subject:Business Administration
Workplace mentoring is a method for developing junior talent and has been the focus of substantial research for decades. Mentoring research has pointed out that supportive conditions need to be in place for beneficial outcomes to result (Noe, 1988). For example, a supportive organizational infrastructure needs to exist; mentors need to have sufficient skill and knowledge to counsel junior personnel; proteges need to have an internal locus of control, self-efficacy, high job involvement, and strong work relationships; and the relationship should offer psychosocial support and leverage friendship and shared interests. The difficulty in understanding, predicting, and implementing the relationship aspect of mentoring prompted the present researcher to further explore this area. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and benefits of an effective mentoring relationship and to develop a framework to further enhance mentoring at an aerospace company referred to as ABC Company.;Data were gathered using surveys of 40 people in the study organization and through interviews with two mentors and two proteges. Mean scores and standard deviations were calculated for the quantitative survey data. Qualitative survey and interview data were analyzed using content analysis.;Study findings were that successful mentoring relationships begin with making suitable matches based on backgrounds and personal chemistry. The relationships must then continue to be developed by ongoing relationship building activities that lead to helpful support, feedback, and intervention. Benefits of mentorships included improved career planning, enhanced skill and knowledge, improved confidence, and gaining a sense of care and support.;The proposed model for effective mentoring at ABC company includes making room for chemistry to emerge when initiating mentoring relationships; initiating buddy programs, peer mentoring, and similar initiatives to enable more people to benefit from caring workplace relationships; offering training for mentors and proteges to help them create effective mentorships; and encouraging people to initiate mentorships themselves.;The primary limitation of the study was the small sample size resulting in a lack of generalizable data applicable to mentoring programs at large companies. Suggestions for additional research include further examining the concept and ingredients of personal chemistry between mentors and proteges, distinguishing the concepts of helping relationships and mentoring relationships, and examining the business outcomes that result from mentorships.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mentoring, Relationship, Company, Benefits, Mentorships, Proteges
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