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Fostering leadership development in Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Pacific Region

Posted on:2009-09-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Savard, Gregory JohnFull Text:PDF
This project examines how the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Pacific Region can enhance leadership capacity at each level of its organization. The DFO Pacific Region is in a period of dynamic change. Enhancing leadership capacity will significantly improve the organization's ability to undertake change in a sustainable manner. Numerous factors position DFO well to embrace change, including a Government of Canada public service renewal initiative. This initiative, combined with the strong vision contained in DFO's National Strategic Plan, the Pacific Region Implementation and succession plans, and on specific program redesigns, will provide significant opportunities for successful change. Using action research methodology, this project examines strengths, opportunities, and potential barriers to enhancing leadership capacity. The findings conclude that by investing in robust succession planning activities, addressing individual and organizational alignment gaps, and implementing effective change management processes, DFO can create the leadership capacity necessary to meet 21st century challenges.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Pacific region, DFO, Canada, Change
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