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Building leadership capacity in Emergency Medical Services: Developing future leaders

Posted on:2010-01-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Acker, Joseph JFull Text:PDF
This study examined effective and efficient strategies to enhance leadership capacity in Emergency Medical Services systems in Canada. Current literature explores the definition of leadership, the components and value of a leadership competency profile, and best-practice models of leadership development. Adhering to all relevant ethical considerations and standards, data were collected using a qualitative and quantitative action research process that involved interviews and surveys of EMS leaders from every region in Canada. Based on the research findings, the project concludes that the EMS Chiefs of Canada should play a pivotal role in the development of current and future EMS leaders. Recommendations address the formation of a national leadership development sub-committee, the creation and implementation of a national leadership competency profile, the establishment of collaborative partnerships with educational institutions, and the expansion of the use of executive and peer coaching for EMS leaders in Canada.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, EMS, Canada
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