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Food Watch: Helping People to Live a Healthy Lif

Posted on:2018-10-27Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Yang, JiaqiFull Text:PDF
Food is one of the great pleasures of life. However, due to cultural backgrounds and physical conditions, the same food is not suitable for all consumers. Peanuts, dairy products, and wheat can be deadly for people with food allergies. These consumers must carefully check the ingredients of all of their food.;This article outlines a system that combines product labeling and mobile technology to help those with food allergies and food intolerances easily manage their diet and protect their health.;With this new system, a user with dietary restrictions only needs to scan a label barcode with a mobile phone app to quickly assess a food product's appropriateness for their needs.;This system not only provides users with a functional, time-saving solution, it will also provide peace of mind to improve their quality of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food
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