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Effective communication in tropical forests: Song transmission and the singing behaviour of Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus)

Posted on:2009-01-11Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Windsor (Canada)Candidate:Barker, Nicole KristenFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines sound transmission and the communication behaviour of Neotropical Rufous-and-white Wrens. A song transmission experiment revealed strong effects of distance, signaller perch height, and sex on song degradation, minor effects of receiver perch height, and mixed effects of microhabitat. An examination of fine structure of Rufous-and-white Wren song in relation to habitat did not show a strong effect of microhabitat on song structure, although it did quantitatively validate the use of song type classes in this species. A field study of perch height selection in Rufous-and-white Wrens showed that they use elevated song posts, which were shown to provide a song propagation benefit. Males perch higher than females, which may be related to a more active territorial defence or mate guarding role for male song. This is the first sound transmission-based investigation of effective communication in both sexes of a tropical duetting species.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rufous-and-white wrens, Communication, Transmission
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