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Experimental modifications of optical fiber cladding with fluorophores for endoscopic tracking

Posted on:2008-03-19Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Dill, Meredith EFull Text:PDF
Disorientation during endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopy is a common problem among physicians, causing patient discomfort and reducing the physicians' ability to thoroughly examine the colon. Previous research (Cao, 2001) has shown that 2D navigational aids effectively reduce workload and spatial orientation errors.; We created a fluorophore-doped fiber sensor that can eventually be a 3D navigational aid. Part of the buffer and cladding was replaced with UV-cured medical-grade adhesive and fluorescent dye to create a modified cladding. Curvature changes in the fiber alter the fluorescence intensity. This relationship can be used to determine the curvature of the fiber. Multiple sensors can then be used to create a 3D model.; No relationship was found, but the error is high enough that this is not conclusive. This sensor, once successfully fabricated, could be used to monitor structural integrity, detect chemicals, or ultraviolet light (Fitzpatrick, O'Donoghue, & Lewis, 2003), as well as curvature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiber, Cladding
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