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iVESTA: Interactive data visualization and analysis for Drive Test Data evaluation

Posted on:2008-07-14Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Florida Atlantic UniversityCandidate:Lee, YongsukFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390005471154Subject:Computer Science
In this thesis, a practical solution for drive test data evaluation and a real application are studied. We propose a system framework to project high dimensional Drive Test Data (DTD) to well-organized web pages, such that users can visually review phone performance with respect to different factors.;The proposed application, iVESTA (interactive Visualization and Evaluation System for driven Test dAta), employs a web-based architecture which enables users to upload DTD and immediately visualize the test results and observe phone and network performances with respect to different factors such as dropped call rate, signal quality, vehicle speed, handover and network delays. iVESTA provides practical solutions for mobile phone manufacturers and network service providers to perform comprehensive study on their products from the real-world DTD.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drive test data, DTD, Ivesta
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