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Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH): The next public utility

Posted on:2008-09-23Degree:M.S.E.EType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Michette, Travis MarkFull Text:PDF
Philippi is a small rural community located in North Central West Virginia. Like most small communities, the city is generally responsible for meeting the needs of its occupants. In the case of Philippi, a need most residents wanted addressed was the ability to use broadband data/Internet services. In order to meet this need, Philippi began working on a project which would deliver broadband services to all of its residences.; Philippi began the project as an upgrade to the existing coaxial cable plant and continually revised the plans, goals, and objectives until the decision was made to design, construct, and manage a complete fiber network. This Fiber-to-the-Home network combined the goals of the community, the cable system, and the City of Philippi. This new network would help future-proof the system, and it would also allow critical facilities to be networked and monitored for security and ease of communications.; From its conception, the design was made and the search for funding began. Once sufficient funding had been secured, the proposal for the design-build of the system was created. Throughout the construction phase of the project, many design changes were made to improve services and cut costs. In the end, Philippi had constructed a self-contained network capable of providing voice, data, and video services to its residences. This network is able to be managed by computers and a small group of installation and field personnel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small, Philippi, Network
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