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Formula for success: How Las Vegas became the entertainment capital of the world

Posted on:2009-07-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Pruett, Scott MFull Text:PDF
This paper will espouse the theory that Las Vegas was able to evolve into the entertainment capital of the world by establishing itself as an island of controlled social deviance. That is to say that the city became an area of regulatory exception---one with distinct legal differences in a limited geographical area---and allowed a degree of social deviance by permitting behaviors that would be illegal in nearly any other American city. My research will show that when such an environment enables its visitors to experience extended periods of pleasurable sensory stimulation, whether the inducement be physical, psychological, or chemical, this ability strongly supports that environment's economic viability. The results of this research will include the listing of several crucial elements that interact synergistically and account for the success of Las Vegas as a world-class entertainment destination.
Keywords/Search Tags:Las vegas, Entertainment
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