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Compound optical arrays and polymer tapered gradient index lenses

Posted on:2010-12-15Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of RochesterCandidate:Schmidt, Greg RFull Text:PDF
In nature, the compound eye is the most common micro optical vision system. Artificial 'bio-inspired' systems are still in the early stages of research. This thesis examines the optical systems of biological compound eyes and presents solutions for developing artificial systems that operate similar to their natural counterparts. Methods for controlling the angular response using geometric principles are developed and demonstrated for apposition and neural superposition compound arrays types. The design methods are applied to the fabrication of a prototype artificial apposition system based on a real world guidance system. Many compound eyes in nature have a gradient index component in the optical system. The gradient index can also be used as a variable in the design of artificial systems. This thesis examines several gradient index profiles in conical shapes that are similar to natural the gradient index profiles found in the crystalline cones of natural systems. The imaging properties of these profiles is unknown, and their behavior is assessed by comparing them to radial gradient index rods and tapered radial gradient index fibers, that are well known and used in current technology. A process for fabricating these conical gradient index profiles in polymers is presented that uses a liquid diffusion exchange process. The DAIP (diallyl isophthalate, n = 1.57) CR-39 (diethylene glycol bis allyl carbonate n = 1.5) copolymer pair produced a close fit to the quadratic radial profile of gradient index rods, and demonstrated flexibility for further control over the profile. The radial and axial gradient index profiles of the DAIP CR-39 sample are compared to a model with Fickian diffusion and a constant diffusion coefficient, and found to closely match the theoretical case.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gradient index, Compound, Optical, Systems, Artificial
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