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An open-source program to animate and visualize the recorded temperature and relative humidity data from dataloggers including the building's three-dimensional geometry

Posted on:2008-01-29Degree:M.B.SType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Baker, Tareq AliFull Text:PDF
The development in datalogger technologies and data processing programs has helped architects and researchers analyze a building's thermal performance over time. Nonetheless, most of the existing programs are not specialized for this kind of research. As a result, most researchers have relied on 2D or 3D graphs to study and present their data. Such data presentation does not help in the visualization of the spatial distribution of dataloggers inside the building geometry. Consequently, the absence of the spatial distribution information may obscure some knowledge about how a building's layout may affect its thermal performance. The product of this thesis is an open-source computer program called 3DDataScene that combines data from the dataloggers and 3D building geometry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Building, Dataloggers, Geometry
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