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The effect of rhythmic teaching methods for kindergarten EFL students in Taiwan

Posted on:2010-02-03Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The University of MississippiCandidate:Hsu, HuichuFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this quantitative study is to investigate the effect of the rhythmic teaching method for English as a foreign language (EFL) to kindergarten students in Taiwan who are naturally acquiring both target vocabulary pronunciation and oral spelling in the English language at the same time.;Two hypotheses are used for the study and were tested using the ANCOVA method, in which alpha (alpha) was 0.05. Two selectively assigned kindergarten groups participated in this study. One was the control group using the non-rhythmic teaching method; the other was the experimental group using the rhythmic teaching method and employing ten color spelling songs as treatments.;The researcher utilizes lyrics of colors and music that meet different criteria, including (a) to stay within the Taiwanese kindergarteners' cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains and development, (b) to promote the development of kindergarteners' physical control of ears, fingers, and vocal cords, (c) to use the social and cultural context of the English language, (d) to stay within the child's voice range, one octave from middle C, (e) to follow the goals of English teaching in kindergarten required by the Taiwanese government: to develop cultural learning and international understanding without focusing on developing fluent communicative competence, and (f) to follow the linguistic rules of the English language.;The literature is classified into three categories. The experiment and result analysis of Hypothesis One indicates that there is a significant difference in mean target vocabulary pronunciation acquisition by method when controlling for the covariate. The experiment and result analysis of Hypothesis Two also indicates that there is a significant difference in mean target vocabulary oral spelling by method when controlling for the covariate.;The investigation contributes to the field of the English language teaching methods and materials for kindergarten EFL students. The researcher recommends that kindergarten teachers need to obtain rhythmic teaching method training before they employ the methods to help kindergarten students acquire the English language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rhythmic teaching method, Kindergarten, English, Students, EFL
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