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Effects of language barriers on genetic counseling sessions with Hispanic patients with limited English proficiency

Posted on:2008-08-09Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Sarah Lawrence CollegeCandidate:Acrich, KarinaFull Text:PDF
Language poses an important obstacle in obtaining health care. More than 11 million people in the United States have limited ability to speak English. These patients are finding it harder to communicate and obtain adequate health care. Lack of language fluency may be one of the main reasons why individuals from non English speaking minorities in the United States show disparities in health outcomes and care. This exploratory study examined the effects of language barriers in genetic counseling sessions with Hispanic patients with limited English proficiency (LEP). The study also examined the effectiveness of the available resources in bridging communication barriers between genetic counselors and Hispanic patients with LEP. The evidence obtained through this study provides proof that language barriers affect genetic counseling sessions with these patients and that the available resources are ineffective in bridging communication barriers. Dealing with language barriers that may impact satisfaction and quality of care among patients with LEP remains an increasing struggle in the medical community. Improving communication should be a priority for all health care workers including genetic counselors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Genetic counseling sessions, Language, Health care, Hispanic patients, Limited, English
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