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Changes in Superman and Masculinity in a post 9/11 America

Posted on:2009-06-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Long Island University, The Brooklyn CenterCandidate:Levy, NathanielFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390005959905Subject:Mass Communications
My research thesis regards the way the views of Superman and Masculinity have changed since the events of 9/11. It compares the successes of the films Spider-Man (2002), Batman Begins (2005) with the relative failure of Superman Returns (2006) and how each film portrayed the concept of masculinity.;My production thesis is a pitching package for an animated sitcom. It is called The Worthless. The package features a pilot script, a prospectus, sample episodes for season one, character bios, and the series treatment. The show features the adventures (and lack of adventures) of a foursome of super-powered young adults, who have very little motivation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Superman, Masculinity
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