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Groupes et identite dans les romans autobiographies de R. Queneau

Posted on:2007-05-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Grenier, Marie-HeleneFull Text:PDF
This thesis looks at the textual representations of sociability problems in Raymond Queneau's autobiographical novels, which are also the first six novels of his career. Using an eclectic approach that combines elements of autobiographical analysis and social psychology with the numerous studies on the presence of philosophy in Queneau's work, we use the concept of identity to study social attitudes, first the author's own attitudes toward real groups, then the way the characters identify with groups, some having a tendency to share the groups identity, others choosing to distanciate themselves from the groups.Given the impossibility to develop, within this work, a complete collection of the ways our problematics, i.e. the relation between belonging to groups and the formation of identity, is reflected in Queneau's novels, we choose (after examining the author own's attitudes) to analyse, in a first step, the major lines of thought related to our subject in each novel, and then to highlight some "attitude types" that emerge from the novels as a whole. This approach, we believe, allows us to draw out the key issues arising from this reflection.Following this path, we try to demonstrate the assumption that the tendency to identify to groups, as well as the distanciation attitudes, are represented in both a positive and a negative way, thus creating, in the novels, an actual "argumentation" between two poles. This assumption runs counter to the preconception, often conveyed by the critics, that distanciation alone is valued in Queneau's writings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Queneau's, Novels
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