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Intercultural training models for U.S. businesses in China

Posted on:2008-09-14Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyCandidate:Guo, XiaonanFull Text:PDF
This study presents a descriptive analysis of the practices of intercultural training programs employed in U.S. multinational corporations for preparing their employees to go to China on overseas assignments. The study focuses on the training design and implementation by professional intercultural trainers or consultants who are hired by such companies. This qualitative study was conducted in two steps: the related literature was reviewed; and a semi-structured telephone interview was developed and administered to five experienced intercultural trainers. Based on the data generated through the interviews, the author examined the experiences of these trainers or consultants by analyzing the considerations that needed to be taken in the designing and conducting of their training programs, and their perspectives on the intercultural training field including the trainers' competencies. The current changes and trends in intercultural training for expatriates were also discussed. Recommendations for trainers to improve their training programs were made concerning both the design and implementation of more effective training programs. The study concluded with a summary of major contributions of this study to the field of intercultural training, and possible directions for future studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intercultural training
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