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The process of creating, developing, and rehearsing a new script: Kevin D. Cohea's '2A.M. (A.lpha M.ale)

Posted on:2009-02-01Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Cohea, Kevin DFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this thesis is to detail the process of creating, developing, and rehearsing a new script. The thesis explores how this playwright created a one-act play and developed it into a two-act full-length that was first presented in a workshop format in Studio 404 at the University of Arkansas, then later produced by the University of Arkansas' University Theatre at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The development process is described and evaluated, and the rehearsal and production processes are documented. Challenges in the development process are explored, the playwright's playwriting style and themes are examined, and an account of the script's submission process to the University Theatre 2006-2007 season is provided. Three drafts of the play, as well as a DVD recording of the fully-mounted production, are presented to give the reader an empirical sense of how the final script developed from the initial idea.
Keywords/Search Tags:Script, Process
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