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Developing a creative classroom through drama work: One teacher's reflective journey

Posted on:2007-02-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Bodden, Lisa MichelleFull Text:PDF
In this qualitative, action research study, I aimed to improve my teaching practices in my seventh grade drama classroom. I conducted the study by implementing a monologue unit plan I had used in the past adapted for this study. My emphases for the study were the promotion of creativity, the identification of drama and theatre elements, and the transformation in understanding. Data was gathered from students in my class, a third eye observer, and me. Notation, description, sources for analysis, and questioning procedures were used to survey the data by looking for patterns, coding the responses, and generating findings that satisfied the research questions. I discovered that imagination is supported in my classroom but that I need to develop better strategies to show how dramatic skills affect the daily lives of students and the importance of empathy for this class as well as the others I teach.
Keywords/Search Tags:Classroom, Drama
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