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A survey of choral music of Mexico during the Renaissance and Baroque periods

Posted on:2011-05-29Degree:M.MType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at El PasoCandidate:Valenzuela, Eladio, IIIFull Text:PDF
Discussion of music from Mexico during the Renaissance and Baroque Periods from 1575-1775. Contains a discussion of early music history in Mexico beginning with the arrival of Hernan Cortes. Composers contained in this work include Hernando Franco (1532-1585), Juan de Lienas (active in Mexico between 1630-1650), Juan Gutierrez de Padilla (c. 1590-1664), Francisco Lopez de Capillas (1608-1674), Antonio de Salazar (c. 1650-1715), Manuel de Sumaya [Zumaya] (1678-1754), and Ignacio de Jerusaelm (1707-1769).
Keywords/Search Tags:Mexico, Music
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