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Absolute markers of the continuity and change of world orders: The framework of evolutionary archetypes

Posted on:2010-09-14Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of South CarolinaCandidate:Sadigov, TurkhanFull Text:PDF
The aim of this work is to provide an absolute marker of change for the analysis of the world orders. Puzzled by the inability of the current social science scholarship to provide any satisfactory account of the order-scale change, in this work I develop a new, archetypal framework to analyze the issue. Engaging into the analysis from holist and perceptional perspective, my analysis overcomes fundamental theoretical flaws of the previous research, reflected in reductionism and materialistic determinism. The main argument of the current work is that world orders and their change is most productively explained by the balance of "ends" and "means" defined in terms of evolutionary archetypes. Applying the new theoretical framework to the medieval and Modernist world orders, the research highlights the fundamental archetypal bases of both orders and the forces behind the change from the former to the latter. Specifically, while the medieval order was based on Muladhara "ends" and Svadhisthana "means", the order change resulted in one abstraction level higher archetypes, based on Svadhisthana "ends" and Manipura "means", which define the balance of the Modernist order. The end result of the research is the development of the spectrum of world order evolution, which provides a benchmark (absolute marker) for the evaluation of continuity and change of world orders.
Keywords/Search Tags:World orders, Change, Absolute, Work
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